8 Week Quit Drinking Alcohol Bootcamp
Don't waste any more time, energy and money on alcohol. Life is too precious to waste and it's waiting for you to start truly living NOW!
Here are all the content that are included in your bundle.
This program IS for you IF you are:
You are emotionally dependant on alcohol, using it to relax, have fun, socialise, feel better, switch off, calm down or to handle life’s problems.
You have a love/hate relationship with alcohol. You have tried quitting or cutting back on drinking but have failed many times before.
You are curious about not drinking, but are a bit nervous and unsure of what your life will look like without it.
You are ready to take responsibility for your situation and take the first step forward on this journey!
You are 100% committed to taking back control of your drinking habits.
Alternatively, this journey is NOT for you, if:
You are not willing to make any changes to your life or current situation.
You are only trying to stop drinking because someone else wants you to.
You are physically dependant to alcohol - being physically dependent on alcohol means your body cannot function without alcohol and you suffer severe withdrawals when you stop drinking.
Dedicated to your success in achieving the relationship with alcohol that you desire...
Zay Canters
Nick Kobzar
See what other's have to say about the program...
Answers to the most common questions...
The way that this program helps you to find the relationship that you want with alcohol is by helping you to change your mindset in order to make the decision to not drink alcohol an empowering choice.
As soon as you join the program, you will receive an email with your login details. Once you login you can start watching the video lessons in the program straight away!
You will be guided through the program by your Quit Drinking Alcohol Coach, Nick Kobzar.
The program starts June 1st 2021. Once you are happy with your relationship with alcohol and you feel confident that you are in control of your drinking habits, you can leave at any time. However, you will get lifetime access to the bootcamp content and resources and private community!
You can do as much or as little as you like. We understand that you might have a very busy life with many commitments.
Every week you will receive an email which will let you know which video lesson to watch, which reflection questions or task to do that week and when the zoom group coaching call will be.
If you watch the video lesson, complete the task and show up to the weekly Group Coaching Sessions then it will take you approximately 1.5-2 hours a week. However, you can do more or less as you like and you can catch up on classes in your own time.
The best investments you can make are investments in yourself.
A good question to ask yourself is this....
* How much money and time have you invested in alcohol per week/month?
* How much money will you save when you stop drinking?
* What will you be able to spend that money and time on?
You might notice that this program is only a fraction of the amount you spend on alcohol.
This was a big question for me when I quit drinking alcohol. 6 months of coaching with my life coach cost me $10,000. I had also never invested that much money in myself before. In fact, I ONLY had just reached $10,000 in my back account.
I thought long and hard about it and made the decision to invest the money in myself.
The goals I had set for myself were:
* Eat and drink healthy and lose 10kg
* Fix my chronic lower back pain
* Mend my broken relationship with my parents
* Wake up with energy
* Become a great communicator and listener
* Start a successful business that I'm passionate about
* I become responsible, reliable, wise, smart, mature, independent, determined and healthy.
One question I asked myself was: What’s the worst that could happen?
* I learn HEAPS about myself and why I do what I do
* I achieve some goals I set for myself
*quit drinking alcohol
And because of the coaching, I had changed my mindset and by the end of the year I had achieved ALL the goals I had set for myself.
I kept a reminder of this investment on my wall (I still have it there today) to remind me of how much I care about myself, and the best investment I ever made.
Remember, the best investment you can make in is you. What are you currently investing your time, money and energy in now?
Perfect! Humans were born to fail! Progress and success is only created because of a culmination of lessons learnt from all of our failures!
For example, when we learn to walk as toddlers, we fall over again and again and again. But we don't give up, we keep practicing until we can stand on both feet and walk shakily. The more we practice, the better we get. But if we were too afraid to fail and make mistakes, we may never try. And if we never tried, we would never learn how to walk.
In the 8 Week Quit Drinking Alcohol Bootcmap, there is an entire module dedicated to how to use "failure" to help us to achieve success.
There is no such thing as failure, only feedback!
You don't need to believe in yourself, you just need to believe that if you follow the program, it will work!
NO, we recommend you continue drinking alcohol when you begin the program. We believe that it's important for you to start understanding the reasons behind WHY you drink alcohol and sometimes it will require you to be aware of and reflect on your thoughts/feelings/behaviours before, during and after drinking alcohol.
The reason why this program works so well is because it is all about you changing your mindset BEFORE saying NO to drinking alcohol. We will NEVER make you not drink, the choice to not drink alcohol will be YOUR choice ONLY.
Feel free to continue drinking alcohol and complete the program by following the steps. Eventually, you will find that you will no longer have the strong need or desire to drink alcohol.
This is why this program is the best way to stop! No struggling and no internal battles.
Good Question!
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is the biggest internationally-known, free support group for people who identify as alcoholics. If a person believes they are an alcoholic, they find the closest AA meeting to them and travel to them every week. They recommend each person go to as many meetings as possible. In these sessions, each person gets to talk about their stories and learn about the 12 steps of recovery. There is a buddy system where you can talk to someone who has successfully quit drinking alcohol.
The beliefs of AA are that alcoholics have the illness of alcoholism and that they will ALWAYS have to manage their illness. The beliefs are based on religion, require you to hand your power over and seek help from a higher power to help you manage your illness.
The 8 Week Quit Drinking Alcohol Bootcamp is different in that:
* We do not encourage the belief that you have an illness or that you are damaged. Instead, you have just learnt an un-resourceful way of handling certain situations and emotions.
* You can be of ANY belief system to join this program. You will not be required do believe in any kind of higher power.
* We believe YOU have the power to change your reality and your world in an instant. If you want to live completely free from addiction to alcohol, then that is a wonderful goal that you can absolutely achieve. You will not have to be managing an "illness".
* You can quit or cut down on drinking from your own home without having to go anywhere.
* You will NOT be judged for drinking alcohol throughout the program. AA believes in 100% sobriety and that drinking alcohol is not good enough. We will support you throughout your journey, no matter how many times you drink alcohol.
* You can do the program in your own time. You do not HAVE to show up every week to the sessions. This is YOUR journey, YOU get to choose how you do it.
Rehabilitation Centres are places where you can go to to help you detox from alcohol addiction. The quality of these services vary quite a lot as this is an unregulated industry. Any person can set up a rehabilitation centre without any qualifications. People can either become an in-patient where they live in the centre for a number of weeks or months, or an out-patient where they live at home and travel to the centre every day, or get a specialist to come with you to your home.
Most rehabs are VERY expensive and the success rate of them are quite low. Just because you go to a rehab and detox off alcohol for a number of weeks, does not mean you won't drink alcohol when you leave. Rehabs take away all the triggers for drinking alcohol, when you go back into society, all the triggers are still there. Many rehab centres do not have a focus on a person's mindset which is the BIGGEST reason why we drink alcohol.
The 8 Week Quit Drinking Alcohol Bootcamp works on helping you to create a resourceful and resilient mindset that allows you to say no to alcohol when there will be triggers wherever you go! It is also exponentially cheaper and you can do it from the safety and comfort of your own home. No having to explain to your family and friends what you are doing or where you are going.
Rehab and detox centres could be a good idea IF you are physically addicted and need to taper of alcohol in a safe way, please read this article on physical vs emotional addiction to alcohol. While you can taper down on your drinking in a safe way at home, rehab centres are for people who it is critically important for them to be monitored. And if this extra support is what you need, then the bootcamp will be a great way for you to change your mindset so that when you do leave rehab and have detoxed safely, you can continue to be sober instead of relapsing later on down the line like many people do.