I messed up again!
What do I do?
by Zay Canters
Date: March 1, 2019
You worked your ass off, every day feeling like a drag, fighting against the urge… It was so hard to not drink in those first few days but you pushed through, fought against the little voices telling you "just one will be ok", but you did it! You pushed through!
For a while there you thought you might actually be able to quit drinking alcohol once and for all! Life seemed to be going really well and you were starting to feel better about yourself, until… last night!
You drank. And now you feel like shit, hungover, regretful and losing hope that you’ll ever be able to quit drinking, why bother?!
This feeling sucks. This whole bloody situation that just seems to keep repeating over and over again... sucks!
I get how you feel. I think it’s safe to safe you’re not alone here. Many of us do the same thing and feel this way. Whether we were able to stop drinking for 3 days before we fell back into old habits, or we went 3 months and then fell back into an old habit, it’s the same bloody feeling of hopelessness.
The question that matters is this...
Are you ready to change?
Are you willing to do something different?
Because, if not, you are choosing to stay the same… and the scenario described above can happen to you over and over again for the rest of your life. Waking up at 70, sick, tired, hungover, disconnected, broke and a liability to your family and society is more common than you think.
I’m not trying to scare you, I’m just bringing awareness to the potential reality of NOT breaking damaging, unresourceful habits such as drinking alcohol. Those who drink alcohol are closing their eyes to the fact they are poisoning their bodies and minds and deluding themselves with “it won’t happen to me, one day I’ll stop drinking”. Einstein defines insanity as doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result.
In order for someone who drinks often to handle their emotions/feelings, such as social anxiety, stress, anger, frustration, boredom, loneliness to successfully quit drinking alcohol, it requires a significant change in their THINKING.
Our thoughts are the beginning of ALL change. In fact our thoughts are the beginning of EVERY action, including picking up that bottle.
So wouldn’t it make sense to focus on changing our thoughts?! Hmmmmm….
What lies beyond your decision to think differently could be everything you ever dreamed of having and being… connection, peace, freedom, love, self-trust, true happiness, deep friendships, honest relationships, healthy boundaries, consistency, commitment, uniqueness, personal responsibility, maturity, strength, courage, gratitude, pride, excitement etc.
In fact, they don’t lie BEYOND us at all. They lie WITHIN us. All of these things are within you now and you can access them... as long as you are open and willing to change your THINKING.
QUESTION: So, how the hell do we change our thinking?
ANSWER: By CHOOSING to change our thinking, practicing thinking different thoughts and conditioning ourselves to think differently. (Yes, it’s that simple, but not easy at all)
QUESTION: And how the hell do we do that??!
ANSWER: Ask yourself better questions.
When we ask ourselves questions (in that resigned or anxious tone of voice) like...
…our minds come up with answers to our questions (because that’s what they are designed to do)
While, NONE of these answers are going to get you the results you want (to reduce or quit drinking alcohol), NONE of these answers are true or based on fact. They are just your own judgemental, critical opinion of yourself, that makes you feel like shit.
It may seem like this is the only way to think about last night’s drinking session, but it’s not, it’s a choice!
And we can choose to think differently and focus on another thought option by….
By asking high quality questions, we are going to get high quality answers (because our brains are designed that way). This is how I was able to handle challenging situations when I quit drinking alcohol, thanks to my life coach who encouraged seeing all other possibilities.
Instead of running the same pattern of DRINK - SHITTY THOUGHTS - SHITTY FEELINGS - TRY TO QUIT DRINKING - DRINK… and so on, let’s try something different.
Let's ask ourselves some questions to really start to understand what was going on inside our minds that caused us to feel the urge to drink and then choose to drink.
With an understanding of ourselves and our patterns, we can begin to have an awareness of when we are running it. And ONLY with an awareness of our patterns, enough pain to make us want to change and god enough reasons for changing, are we able to change our un-resourceful pattern.
Sooooo, I’ve created a series of questions that can help us FOCUS and THINK differently about drinking alcohol.
I call this process, Failing Fantastically Forwards!!
Answer these questions in the comments below, make sure to number them so we know which question you are answering... The more questions you answer, the more responsibility and higher the commitment you are making to yourself and your journey to quitting drinking alcohol.
Before you begin, close your eyes and take 3 big deep breaths in and out. Put yourself into a relaxed state of mind and in a quiet place where you are free from distraction. Take yourself back to the moments before you first thought of having a drink...
What can we do after this "royal mess up"?
First, change how you THINK and speak about it. Instead of putting your own judgemental opinion on your actions and calling it “messing up” or “fucking up again” or “gave up” or “failed”… put a name to it that is based on FACT and produces less emotional pain.
For example “Last night I drank 2 bottles of wine” or “I made an unresourceful decision last night to drink half a slab of beer” etc. By putting our critical judgements on our decision to drink only makes us feel worse. And when our current strategy to help us feel better is to drink alcohol, making ourselves feel shitty doesn’t help, in fact, making ourselves feel shitty is us doing the same thing we’ve always done. I see this almost every day in this group by some who says “Last night I failed again… :("
Want a different result? THINK differently!
Instead of hating on yourself...
And finally again, the real question that matters is this…
Are you ready to change?
Are you willing to do something different?
And now... What would your answer be if you knew you could not fail?
I'm looking forward to hearing your answers!