It's coming up to 5 years completely alcohol free! It's been a bumpy road and full of life's ups and downs, but mostly ups an ups and ups, with a few little downs that just turn into surprise ups!

Currently, I am a Lifestyle Addiction Coach and my partner/lover/best-friend, Bowie, and I now own two businesses. One is a fitness, nutrition and mindset coaching business for Transgender and Gender Diverse people, called Fearless Movement Collective. I’m SO in love with this business and all of our clients. 

Secondly, I help people who are emotionally dependent on alcohol, be able to stop their desire for it and live their lives with passion and purpose without the need for alcohol or any addiction. 

A lot of people aren’t necessarily alcoholics but they really struggle to control when and how much they drink. Their physical and mental health, relationships and finances tend to suffer, they are not happy with themselves or their lives and they tend to feel out of control. So I help them by providing group coaching in the HIQDA Facebook Group and delivering 1-1 transformational coaching sessions. This coaching helps them to not only understand alcohol and its effects, but helps them become the people they want to be, live a meaningful life that they love so that they no longer feel the need to drink alcohol and are able to make their own decisions about their alcohol consumption. 

My approach is different to traditional methods such as AA meetings because I believe no type of personality is more prone to addiction than others and addiction is just as easy to unlearn as it is to learn. My experience in successfully quitting drinking alcohol myself and my background in life coaching has helped me develop my unique approach that with positive personal development my clients can learn to love themselves and no longer feel the need to hide behind any addiction. And it really works! After working with me, my clients are not feeling the desire to drink and are achieving success and growth in their personal and professional lives. THIS is what I am passionate about.

Strangely enough, over the past 3 years while being so proud that I do not drink alcohol, I've been not particularly wanting to post on FB much about my non-drinking. Sometimes I've felt feelings of guilt, shame and embarrassment, that I had maybe ditched my friends who drank (probably most of them) to live a life of being sober. Maybe because I used to be so proud that I DID drink as much as I drink and I made it clear that I would drink and be having “fun” forever. So if I feel this way, then why did I even start this How I Quit Drinking FB Page and Group, publicly sharing my journey to quit drinking alcohol? 

Well, firstly my life coach Nat set it up for me in 2015, so I had no choice. LOL. Secondly, I now know the absolute awesomeness and freedom of not drinking and I feel some sort of gravitational pull towards helping people quit drinking alcohol because of this. 

And in particular, helping people quit drinking alcohol by helping them focus on what they DO WANT in life. This makes the process easier and more enjoyable than just using pure willpower “don’t drink alcohol, don’t drink alcohol, don’t drink alcohol” which NEVER works! 

It turns out we only have a certain amount of willpower a day that can run out quite quickly, like an egg timer. Over the whole 3 years, not once have I had to use willpower to keep me away from alcohol.

I’ve been thinking about why I felt embarrassed and I just realised how fucking stupid this is and I am no longer feeling that shame anymore.


I’m so bloody proud of myself for not drinking, I’m happy to talk to people about it and teach others how to do it. 

This is what I believe I was put on this earth to do and if anyone here needs help with quitting any kind of lifestyle addiction, whether it be alcohol, food, cigarettes, pot, porn, gambling, shopping or social media, contact me, talk to me, I’d love to hear from you. 

Thanks for being with me on this journey, I love you! xx

Wanna learn how to stop drinking?

Your first step is the How I Quit Drinking Alcohol Membership Program!