*This post was taken from the How I Quit Drinking Alcohol Facebook Page.

I quit drinking alcohol on the 17th April 2014 after a huge drinking day and night out at a lesbian gay bar called Sundaylicious (...on a Sunday). I woke up the next morning feeling so shit, because I realised that I had just made a huge dick out of myself in front of the person I respected most, my life coach, Natalia Dewiyani.

That same afternoon, after a glass of white wine with my Aunty, I decided to quit drinking alcohol… forever.

After almost 3 amazing years, I’m SO proud to say that to this day, I haven’t touched a drop of alcohol!

You might be wondering why I haven’t been very active on this page?

Well, to be honest, Natalia first started this FB page page for me and called it “How I Quit Drinking Alcohol” (HIQDA). She told me here I can document every alcohol-related situation I found myself in. I thought I would be writing a lot, because at the time I was moving to a ski resort in Australia (an awesome mountain called Falls Creek, full of frothing young party-heads and aging alcoholics) I thought there would be a shit load of situations where I would be faced by friends dragging me to the pub. 

I was thinking “Holy Shit! Why the fuck did I decide to quit drinking AND THEN move to Falls Creek, I should have done it the other way around”??!!

But, to my surprise, I was way more focussed on this weird random Youtube Channel I created called SNOWrise, The Falls Creek Morning Show. I thought it was be a great distraction from drinking alcohol and help me overcome my fear of public speaking…. And it did an excellent job of doing both!!

So I didn’t really continue posting on the HIQDA FB page. I actually wanted to create a website where I told my story of how I quit drinking alcohol, but got halfway through it and ditched it because I just got so overwhelmed!

Anyways, a few people wrote to me via private message and told me how they were going through the same problems. I would chat to them and tell them all about how I quit drinking and actually stayed sober. 

While some people continued to say it was too hard, and continued to tell me about the same problems again and again, some people actually quit drinking! WOW! I was SO proud to be helping at least one or two people, but at the same time, felt SO terrible that I couldn’t help others.

After a year, I was told by a couple of close people in my life to just let go of the FB page. They said “you don’t want to be seen as the girl who used to be an alcoholic”. They said “Move on, leave the old you behind”.

However, quitting drinking alcohol (and smoking cigarettes) has been the best thing I have ever done in my entire fucking life! I hate the stuff now. I see what it does to people and the problems it causes.

I want to help people quit drinking alcohol by showing that it’s actually possible, it’s possible to have an awesome fun life without booze and it’s also possible to have friends as well.

Since I quit drinking alcohol, I’ve saved a lot of money, lost a lot of friends, gained a lot of new awesome friends, started a youtube channel, lived by myself on a mountain, lived in Sydney with a strange but awesome family and an Olympian, become a video editor and film assistant working in Singapore, travelled to Thailand, Malaysia, Hong Kong, India and Kashmir, started running, training with kettlebells, met the love of my life and started a business.

Most of all my eyes have been brighter, my life has a direction and I’m happier.

If you want to learn how to quit drinking alcohol from a place of empowerment, fun and excitement, check out the How I Quit Drinking Alcohol Membership Program.

Learn the steps to stop drinking alcohol TODAY!