In 2014 I found myself depressed, anxious, lonely, angry, jealous, frustrated and hating myself. I was drinking beer, smoking bongs and a pack of cigarettes every day, I was binge eating and getting into fights. I had no real friends, a shitty relationship with my family, a job I hated, terrible health, I was overweight, jealous of my ex, angry at the world and full of regret because I had blown every single great opportunity I had been given throughout my life. I even felt guilty that I was feeling this way because I had no excuses.

One day, after a physical fight with my best friend I decided something had to change.... I simply HAD to change. Me. Not anyone else. I admitted I was the problem.

I made a promise to myself that I will do absolutely anything... ANYTHING to become a better person and improve my life.

The next day I got in contact with a life coach, called Nat, and asked her to help me. From the moment I had my first coaching session I started learning different ways of thinking and I started to work on improving myself and my life. However, I continued drinking alcohol and smoking and was even lying about it to my coach AND to myself.

About 3 months later, after spending some time with my coach, we went out to a bar and I got completely smashed off my head as usual and I don't remember anything that happened. I woke up the next morning, hazy, hungover, smelling disgusting, bong smashed on the ground and late to work... again. I anxiously called my coach to ask what happened and filled me in on all the embarrassing and horrifying stories of what I did the night before. I felt so much shame. I had embarrassed myself in front of the person I respected and cared most about in my life.

This was the worst feeling in the world. I had done so much work on myself to become a better person already, I wanted to be smart, confident, responsible, reliable, wise and determined. And there was no way I was ever going to be any of those things if I continued to drink and get messed up.

Then the idea struck me...

If I didn't drink alcohol, I would never fuck up like this again, and I will never have to feel ashamed or embarrassed about what I did ever again. I would be free to be all those things that I wanted to be without continuing to fall back again!

OMG, all I have to do is stop drinking! Duh!

And from that moment on the 17th April 2014, I decided to never drink again for the rest of my life.

I started a blog on Facebook called 'How I Quit Drinking Alcohol' and I started journaling about my experiences and my journey to freedom from alcohol. I showed the world that I was not afraid to change and I was proud that I was choosing to not drink, even though my whole identity had been caught up in being "the party animal" "the biggest drinker" "the person that could drink anyone under the table" "the one that handled hangovers by doing shots in the morning" "the founder of the drinking games club at uni" etc.

I encountered many challenging situations like friends trying hard to convince me to drink, countless people who told me I would never be able to do it or I will only last a few hours, going to pubs where I was the only person not drinking, meeting friends for dinner at pubs where I arrived on time and they were all an hour late because they were pre-drinking, drinking nightmares, insomnia, cravings and generally living in a small community on a ski resort where the entire culture is focused on drinking and getting drunk.

People around the world started following my journey to quitting drinking alcohol on my blog on Facebook. Many of them asked how I was able to quit drinking so successfully and I would chat to many of them on messenger. I would say to them...

"I don't know what advice to give you, but I can share with you what I did and maybe you could give that a try?!" 

I made some great friends through the blog and had some wonderful conversations. I even found myself having chats with my future partner about our struggles to not drink, we are now living an AF, vegan, physically active, fun and meaningful life together in Melbourne and are loving the growth and connection we share with each other. None of this I could have ever imagined when I was drinking.

At the time however, I felt a sad and helpless that there were so many people all around the world asking me for help and I did not have any knowledge or any ideas on how I could actually help them, except for sharing my story.

As a couple of years went by, people were still asking for help. I still spent time talking to them. I had a close friend of mine tell me to drop the blog and move on because drinking was no longer a part of my life anymore. I didn't need the blog anymore, forget about these people, why keep it going?

But I just couldn't let it go. There were SO many people who were asking for help and I just could not bare to abandon them, the way that I had felt abandoned when I was depressed all those years ago.

So, finally, in 2017 I made a decision.

I decided to become a life coach and actually learn to help people quit drinking alcohol in a way where I had certainty that I am actually doing the right thing and not just guessing or sharing my story.

Becoming a life coach was fucking life-changing. I learnt many tools, techniques and models that helped me to understand what the hell was going on in my mind and why I was able to quit drinking alcohol. It was eye-opening! Throughout my studies, I looked back on my journey and in time, actually DE-CODED how I was able to quit drinking alcohol so successfully. It finally makes sense now!

And what I did was create an online program. This program is a combination of the strategy I personally used to quit drinking alcohol as well as the coaching models to educate why each step in the program works so well!

The How I Quit Drinking Alcohol Membership Program is something I’m extremely proud to be sharing with you today. It is very different to rehab, AA and other addiction programs out there. This program was designed to make the decision to quit drinking alcohol come from an empowered mindset, rather than from a place of fear, religion or powerlessness.

If you are struggling with alcohol addiction and with any of the the challenges I mentioned I was going through, this program was made for you.

Since quitting drinking my life has improved dramatically and I've become a person that can make good decisions and follow through on my promises to myself and others. I lost heaps of weight, I become happier and healthier, my skin cleared up, my eyes shone brighter, I had copious amounts of energy, I had time and money to spend on good food, massages, health, fitness, books, friends, family, travel (and so many other things that brought joy to my life). And with all of that, my self-confidence grew and I absolutely loved my life.

And it is now my life’s purpose to help you and others who are struggling to quit drinking, to break free from your addiction and live the peaceful or epic life you've always dreamed of. It’s possible, and it’s on the other side of this addiction to alcohol.

If you’re interested to see whether this program will be a good fit for you, just click the button below to learn more about it.

Thank you for being a part of my journey and I'm looking forward to following you on yours!

"If you are struggling with alcohol addiction and with any of the the challenges I mentioned I was going through, this program was made for you."

Since quitting drinking my life has improved dramatically and I've become a person that can make good decisions and follow through on my promises to myself and others. I lost heaps of weight, I become happier and healthier, my skin cleared up, my eyes shone brighter, I had copious amounts of energy, I had time and money to spend on good food, massages, health, fitness, books, friends, family, travel (and so many other things that brought joy to my life). And with all of that, my self-confidence grew and I absolutely loved my life.

And it is now my life’s purpose to help you and others who are struggling to quit drinking, to break free from your addiction and live the peaceful or epic life you've always dreamed of. It’s possible, and it’s on the other side of this addiction to alcohol.

If you’re interested to see whether this program will be a good fit for you, just click the button below to learn more about it.

Thank you for being a part of my journey and I'm looking forward to following you on yours!

Wanna learn how to stop drinking?

Your first step is the How I Quit Drinking Alcohol Membership Program!