I just hit the 4 year alcohol free mark! It seemed like it was only yesterday that it was 3 years. I've come along way since then and it seems like my life had truly just begun since quitting drinking alcohol, like I had somehow been asleep for a long time, and I had only just woken up to the reality of life and how amazing it is to live, and be alive and truly connect with people.

One of the main lessons that I've learnt about living a life free of depression, anxiety and sadness... is that it's not about me.

Life used to always be about me. And even to this day when I get those (very rare) moments of depression, I realise that in those moments I am only thinking of myself.

What first brought me out of my depression (I was still drinking alcohol at this time) was my life coach, who was helping me see that I am not actually stuck in a corner in a world that hates me, but instead I have lots of options and I have actually been choosing to put myself in this situation and as stubborn as I am, don't want to admit my responsibility in any of it!

How could I be putting myself through so much misery?

All I was doing every single day was thinking about myself, how shitty life was to me, how everybody (if they could even remember me) was probably laughing at my very existence. Me, me, me, me, me. Everything was about me. Poor me. Why me? What about me? I suck. I'm pathetic. I'm a loser.

And yet, where does this even get me? ...more and more closer to hell, it seemed. More cravings for alcohol, more cravings for cigarettes, more cravings for smoking weed, netflix and binge eating.

Not the best combination for a healthy, fulfilling lifestyle, right?

Oh yeah, and then came the life coaching!

I thought it was stupid at the beginning. 

Who is this person who laughs all the time, telling me that life is amazing and I can have, do and be whatever and whoever I want to have, do and be? 

How dare they laugh so hard, and be so happy? 

Can't they see I'm depressed?

But I continued to go, and soon I started to smile. Then I started to laugh. Then I started to realise that maybe she's right, maybe I'm not that bad after all!

But the moment that really changed things for me, that really changes my perspective on the world and on life... was the moment I realised that life isn't about me at all!

"Once this thought entered my mind... WHOA! Holy shit, life ISN'T about me, it's about connection, it's about spreading love and happiness, it's about creating something that's bigger than me, it's about making someone else's day a little bit better, it's about growing as much as I can so I can make a bigger impact and help more people, it's about having a purpose that truly means something to me."

With this mindset of contribution, connection and growth, NO WAY do I have time for getting fucked up or doing anything that sets me back, or makes me less productive or less healthy. I have a mission... a mission to make this world a better place in a way in which I really love and enjoy doing, whether it be snowboarding, filming, speaking, or something that I've never done but am determined to learning how to do...

...because if my WHY is big enough, I can achieve any HOW.

I believe THIS MINDSET is what it takes to quit drinking alcohol FOREVER.

Not the mindset of... "oooh alcohol is ruining my life, I hate being unhealthy and overweight, I keep making a dick out of myself, I have to quit so that my kids have a functioning parent, but I'm scared because I don't want my friends to judge me."

I see it time and time again, people who quit drinking for 30 days, 60 days, 100 days due to this mindset and these reasons. BUT this mindset will never give you the permanent results you want.

Quitting drinking alcohol is NOT about quitting drinking alcohol. It's REALLY about becoming the person you were BORN to be. It's about taking ownership of YOUR life and DECIDING WHO you want to be, WHAT you want to do, and WHY you're alive!

This is why I created my HIQDA Online Membership Program to help those who are 100% ready and committed to quitting drinking alcohol to dig deep and discover what they truly want to allow them to have this GROWTH & CONTRIBUTION MINDSET.

Because, frankly folks, this is truly the best and (in my opinion) the most fun way to quit drinking alcohol. If you're sick and tired of playing this broken record of drinking alcohol, quitting, then drinking alcohol again, please join the How I Quit Drinking Alcohol FB Group. Then join the online membership program to learn exactly how to stop drinking alcohol!

Until then, think about who you REALLY want to be... self-obsessed, self-indulgent, self-centred?

...or do you want to be so busy filling yourself up with awesomeness that there is absolutely no time for fucking yourself up?

It really is your choice.

Thanks for reading.

Zay xx

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